3.7 of 5 (7 votes)

Two rivers - the Dove and the Manifold

A moderate walk (countryside) in national park Peak District in Derbyshire, England, about 15.70km (9.76 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 5:15h. It is unsuitable for families with children, prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 238m (780ft)
Descent 221m (725ft)
Max. Elevation 400m (1312ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 459m (1505ft)
Start & End
Distance 15.70km
Duration ~5:15h
Created by Anonymous Walker on 10 Mar 2015
This route from Hartington follows the valleys of two nearby rivers, the Dove and the Manifold. Heading north along the valley of the latter, you reach Longnor in time for lunch before taking the high route back above the River Dove.

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid SK126604
Take the bus to Hartington to begin the walk. From the village centre, walk along Stonewell Lane and look for the footpath on the right.
OS Grid SK112612
Cross over the River Dove and continue through Sheen.
About 1.63 km (~1.01 miles) from
OS Grid SK101612
The footpath takes you further west through Brund to the River Manifold.
About 1.07 km (~0.66 miles) from
OS Grid SK097625
A path follows the river northwards towards Longnor.
About 1.36 km (~0.85 miles) from
OS Grid SK090649
Good place for a lunch stop. The buses to Hartington also serve Longnor if you want a shorter walk.
About 2.47 km (~1.53 miles) from
OS Grid SK095659
Take the bridleway heading northeast out of Longnor.
About 1.15 km (~0.71 miles) from
OS Grid SK100661
Follow the road uphill, then take the path on the right onto High Wheeldon.
About 0.53 km (~0.33 miles) from
OS Grid SK104654
This is Open Access land, so you can follow the edge along the Dove Valley.
About 0.77 km (~0.48 miles) from
OS Grid SK122636
Keep on the high ground above Pilsbury.
About 2.53 km (~1.57 miles) from
OS Grid SK129625
It's worth getting to the top of Carder Low for the final views over Dovedale.
About 1.31 km (~0.81 miles) from
OS Grid SK130612
Take the path that descends towards Bank Top Farm, just outside Hartington.
About 1.36 km (~0.85 miles) from
OS Grid SK129603
Finish back in the village for a bus home. There is also a youth hostel here and plenty of great walking nearby if you have time for a longer stay.
About 0.92 km (~0.57 miles) from

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