A leisurely walk (coast) starting and finishing in Gwynedd, Wales, about 8.10km (5.03 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 2:30h. It is suitable for families with children, but unsuitable for prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
1Created by driver 16 on 27 Jun 2015
A walk along both banks of the Menai Straight in another large arable, cattle and sheep-rearing area with plenty of history on the way: Telford's suspension bridge, Stephenson's rail/road bridge and Nelson's Column. It's mostly off road away from traffic.
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driver 16
Hi Tim, Gary and Patrik, met a couple who had downloaded walk Menai Bridge to Beaumaris, because of bright sunlight found it difficult to follow, mentioned to them that they could have downloaded a hard copy of the route from the website, maybe worth putting a similar tip up on the home page, Pete.