A moderate walk (canal) in Lancashire, England, about 17.00km (10.56 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 5:00h. It is suitable for families with children, prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
2Created by mac.hawk on 01 Nov 2015
A flat 12 1/2 mile canal/coastal/old railway line walk. Pushchair/wheelchair canal access/egress via short stepped sections & at Hest Bank follow coastal road to Morecambe prom (Point 5). To shorten walk return buses to Lancaster (or Morecambe) available along the coastal road from Hest Bank. Return train from Morecambe too. General store shops in Hest Bank. Toilets in Morecambe.
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Tim Woods
This brought back happy memories of pottering around Lancaster and Morecambe from my student days in the former! The countryside round here is fabulous, and the seafront in Morecambe one of the finest in the UK in my opinion. There's a great pub just across the bridge from Lancaster railway station as well. Head for the castle, and underneath it is the Merchants pub, an underground cellar that serves great real ale. http://merchants1688.co.uk