2.6 of 5 (4 votes)

Marsden Circular

A moderate walk (low hills and fells (below 600m)) in Kirklees, England, about 15.20km (9.44 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 5:00h. It is suitable for families with children, but unsuitable for prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 275m (902ft)
Descent 262m (859ft)
Max. Elevation 450m (1476ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 537m (1761ft)
Start & End
Marsden Railway Station
Distance 15.20km
Duration ~5:00h
2Created by mac.hawk on 14 Dec 2015
Marsden Circular along road and well defined RoW's. Suitable for older or energetic children. Marsden is served by hourly trains (1/2 hourly @ peak times) between Manchester Victoria & Huddersfield (Mon-Sat). Regular buses from Huddersfield (every 20 mins Mon-Sat) & hourly buses from Manchester. Public toilets, convenience shops and several pubs in Marsden.

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid SE047118
Exit the railway station and take the canal towpath towards Tunnel End.
OS Grid SE039119
At Tunnel End cross the canal and take the road passing the visitor centre uphill to the road junction and turn left at the Tunnel End Inn along Waters Road.
About 0.72 km (~0.45 miles) from
OS Grid SE030122
Follow Waters Lane for 2/3 mile to a junction and carry on ahead along the narrow Blake Lee Lane (signposted) a short distance to take a footpath on the left running adjacent a stream at left.
About 1.00 km (~0.62 miles) from
OS Grid SE001122
Cross the old pack horse bridge and climb the hill ahead and follow the obvious bridleway up Willykay & Wilmer Green Clough's to Haigh Gutter.
About 2.82 km (~1.75 miles) from
OS Grid SE011104
At Haigh Gutter turn left to follow the Pennine Way across the moor plateau to the trig pillar at Millstone Edge.
About 2.11 km (~1.31 miles) from
OS Grid SE018095
Continue along the Pennine Way to reach the A62 road adjacent a parking area (in summer there's usually an ice cream van here at weekends).
About 1.13 km (~0.7 miles) from
OS Grid SE030088
The route follows adjacent the road for 1/4 mile before veering right across the moor to reach Black Moss Reservoir.
About 1.35 km (~0.84 miles) from
OS Grid SE037087
Follow the route between the reservoirs as it's less boggy than circling Black Moss Reservoir, to reach the flagged section across Black Moss itself.
About 0.76 km (~0.47 miles) from
OS Grid SE050088
The route descends down Blakely Clough and steeply descends as it crosses then ascends the valley sourth of Blakeley Reservoir.
About 1.24 km (~0.77 miles) from
OS Grid SE053090
Reach a wide track (Kirklees Way) and turn left and follow as it passes Blakeley & Butterley reservoirs.
About 0.31 km (~0.19 miles) from
OS Grid SE048107
At the northern end of Butterley Reservoir the track joins road and follow it directly downhill to a roundabout at the road junction.
About 1.75 km (~1.09 miles) from
OS Grid SE047113
Carry on ahead along Fall Lane to pass the football ground on your right and take the slip road at left that passes under the road bridge.
About 0.57 km (~0.35 miles) from
OS Grid SE047116
Take a left hand fork that crosses over the stream and follow the road into Church Lane. Pass the church on your left and continue on to reach the junction with Station Road.
About 0.31 km (~0.19 miles) from
OS Grid SE046119
Turn left up Station Road to return to the railway station (a right turn will take you into the village). Walk is approx 10 1/2 miles.
About 0.31 km (~0.19 miles) from

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