3.4 of 5 (10 votes)

Ben Vorlich

A moderate walk (mountain (above 600m)) in national park Loch Lomond and the Trossachs in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, about 9.30km (5.78 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 5:15h. It is unsuitable for families with children, prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 911m (2988ft)
Descent 881m (2890ft)
Max. Elevation 930m (3051ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 1792m (5878ft)
Start & End
Ardlui Station
Distance 9.30km
Duration ~5:15h
Car Free Walks TeamCreated by Timwoods on 30 Aug 2009
Ben Vorlich is a pleasant mountain near Ardlui Station. It's a bit overshadowed by some more famous (and more popular) neighbours such as Ben Arthur and Ben Lomond, but that means it is usually crowd-free experience. An enjoyable day out for Munro baggers and hill walkers alike, with great views over Loch Lomond.

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid NN317155
This is a tiny station, on the line to Crianlarich from Glasgow. Chances are you'll be the only person getting off! Before heading for the hill, go and take a picture of the loch from the pier by the station - it'll be a 'keeper'.
OS Grid NN323146
Follow the road south from Ardlui to Stuckendroin Farm. Up the driveway, you will see a gate pointing the way to Ben Vorlich. Head uphill and through the tunnel under the railway line.
About 1.08 km (~0.67 miles) from
OS Grid NN307136
There are no clear paths here - probably due to the lack of visitors - so head for the wooded burn and use this as a handrail on to Little Hills.
About 1.88 km (~1.17 miles) from
OS Grid NN304124
The flanks of Little Hills, and the final stage on to Ben Vorlich have numerous little scrambles to keep you busy. Nothing challenging, so just follow the ridge line towards the main summit.
About 1.24 km (~0.77 miles) from
OS Grid NN296123
The main top of the day! It's a Munro at 943m, but the main thing here is the views - Loch Lomond to the east, Loch Sloy to the west, and plenty of craggy tops in all directions. From here, follow the ridge leading NNW.
About 0.80 km (~0.5 miles) from
OS Grid NN294134
The descent route skirts around the top of this steep corrie. Once past the main cliffs, veer northeast towards Stob nan Coinnich Bhacain.
About 1.12 km (~0.7 miles) from
OS Grid NN303146
From this subsidiary top, it's a short walk down the slope and through the woods back to Ardlui. There are still a few steep outcrops though, so pick your route with care.
About 1.50 km (~0.93 miles) from
OS Grid NN315154
There's a campsite at Ardlui if you fancy a night by the loch before heading on for more Scottish adventures.
About 1.44 km (~0.89 miles) from

3 comments... join the discussion!

Julian Hall
09 Apr 2023
No Direct Route To/from Ardlui

Ben Vorlich is better climbed from Ardlui, than Loch Sloy, but there are very few paths. Also, as we found out today, there is no reasonable route directly between Ardlui and Stob nan Coinnich Bhacain (SnCB). Even if you cross a couple of fences on the hillside, you end up unable to cross the railway. Head E from SnCB and bear slightly N of E to the bridge under the railway at NN319151

20 Nov 2014
Ben Vorlich

Hi Alex It should be fine. There's nothing too strenuous out there and it's a nice, easy one to get you going. But it's not the busiest of areas, so if the cloud comes down there are unlikely to be other walkers to help out if you get lost. Save it for a clear day, or maybe try one of the hills near Crianlarich, which tend to be a bit busier.

alex f
18 Nov 2014
Suitable For A Beginner/intermediate

Is this route suitable for a "beginner"? I'm a physically fit, athletic male over from Canada and looking to do my first proper "hill walk." I've done some hiking before in Canada, but no real "mountain climbing" per se

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