3.8 of 5 (11 votes)

Ben Alder from Corrour Station

A hard walk (mountain (above 600m)) in Highland, Scotland, about 37.80km (23.49 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 14:45h (1 overnight stay). It is unsuitable for families with children, prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 1288m (4225ft)
Descent 1286m (4219ft)
Max. Elevation 1140m (3740ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 2574m (8444ft)
Start & End
Corrour Station
Distance 37.80km
Duration ~14:45h
Car Free Walks TeamCreated by Timwoods on 04 Dec 2009
Ben Alder sits proudly in the middle of the Grampian Mountains. It is as remote as they come, making a trip here a two-day expedition for all but the fittest or maddest. But even they should consider spending the night, as Benalder Cottage is surely as fine a place to stay as any in Scotland. Sat on the shores of Loch Ericht, a night drinking whisky by the loch will be the perfect way to warm up for an assault on one of Scotland's finest peaks. There are also two Munros to tackle on the way in!

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid NN356665
From the station, take the path signposted to the Youth Hostel. Past the hostel turn-off, and past Meall na Lice, take the path heading towards Rannoch. After about half an hour, take a bearing and slog up the heathery slopes on to Gualainn Chlachach.
OS Grid NN419659
From Guilainn Chlachach (404662), keep heading up to the summit of Carn Dearg. The going gets easier nearer the top. At 941m, Carn Dearg is a proud Munro, so tick it off, have a drink and take a bearing towards Sgor Gaibhre.
About 6.36 km (~3.95 miles) from
OS Grid NN444673
The saddle across between Carn Dearg and Sgor Gaibhre will pass quickly enough, and on a clear day you will get your first view of the big 'un from here - Ben Alder away to the east.
About 2.89 km (~1.8 miles) from
OS Grid NN444684
Sgor Choinnich is not a Munro, despite being 929m - something to do with the drop in height between them. Better I tell you now than you find out in the bothy that night, after thinking you'd ticked another one off.
About 1.16 km (~0.72 miles) from
OS Grid NN452693
From Sgor Choinnich, stay on the high ground to Meall a' Bhealaich. There are more great views of Ben Alder on this stretch - it really is a fine lump of rock. It is possible to carry on to Beinn a' Chumhainn, but quicker to start heading to the Bealach Cumhann valley, around the edge of the moor.
About 1.24 km (~0.77 miles) from
OS Grid NN482701
In the valley, cross the Allt a' Bhealaich Chumbainn and pick up the footpath heading to Benalder Cottage.
About 2.99 km (~1.86 miles) from
OS Grid NN498679
One of the great bothies in Scotland - and you will be pleased to get here after a long day. The midgies can play havoc in the evening, but try to brave them to catch the evening sun on the loch.
About 2.73 km (~1.7 miles) from
OS Grid NN505699
On day two, head up the well-worn path to Bealach Breabag. Munro baggers may want to head northeast to take in Beinn Bheoil first; others should take a bearing from the path to the large shoulder of Sron Bealach Beithe.
About 2.05 km (~1.27 miles) from
OS Grid NN498707
The summit region of Ben Alder can be a bit featurless in cloud, but with a map and compass you should easily reach the summit; The small Lochan a Gharb Choire provides a useful navigation aid.
About 1.11 km (~0.69 miles) from
OS Grid NN497718
One of the biggies at 1148m (it's number 25 on the list). From the summit, bear due west for the big shoulder south of Coire na h-Eiginn. There's no path, so stick on your bearing to avoid the steep drops either side.
About 1.02 km (~0.63 miles) from
OS Grid NN459722
Aim for the two small lochans in the Uisge Labhair valley. On the northern side is a path that runs all the way to Loch Ossian. The ultra-keen will be tempted by the Munros of Geal-Charn, Aonach Beag and Beinn Eibhinn, but weary legs may persuade you to stick to the valley.
About 3.81 km (~2.37 miles) from
OS Grid NN422702
It's a long old slog out again. The path hugs the river, which makes navigation easy, but the undulating, boggy ground will prove a bit wearing! Near Loch Ossian, the river reaches a series of spectacular waterfalls, which are well worth stopping by.
About 4.13 km (~2.57 miles) from
OS Grid NN413696
Weave your way through the Corrour Estate and select a path around Loch Ossian - routes run on both the northern and southern sides.
About 1.05 km (~0.65 miles) from
OS Grid NN369670
If you left Benalder cottage early, you will make the last train on from Corrour Station. But a better option is to book a night at Loch Ossian YHA - another stunning lochside location, roaring fire and great views of the sun setting behind the Nevis Range. Perfect.
About 5.11 km (~3.18 miles) from
OS Grid NN357665
Next morning, it's a short trot back to the station and the train home, with tired feet, lots of great pics and plans to return to the finest car-free walking region of Scotland.
About 1.31 km (~0.81 miles) from

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