3.8 of 5 (5 votes)


A moderate walk (countryside) in national park Snowdonia in Gwynedd, Wales, about 11.70km (7.27 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 3:45h. It is suitable for families with children, but unsuitable for prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 162m (531ft)
Descent 152m (498ft)
Max. Elevation 310m (1017ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 314m (1029ft)
Start & End
Distance 11.70km
Duration ~3:45h
1Created by driver 16 on 07 Jul 2013
A taste of heaven awaits walkers who complete this food trail, which showcases some of the finest food producers in the Conway Valley. Top chefs encourage us to find out from where and how our food comes to be on the shop shelves. On this walk you will see sheep, chickens, geese and cattle, Snowdonia Range ready meals being prepared, Popty Pen Ucha range of baked products, and for the grand finale visit the Riverside Chocolate House and Tea Rooms, with hot chocolate drinks made from their own chocolate made on the premises: no powder, a selection of different spices and flavours similar to the syrups used in coffee and, of course their own chocolates made on the premises. Siop Pentre (the village shop) sells a full range of the local produce as well. 

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid SH872514
Check the Bws Bro service X6 from Llandudno or Corwen, current timetable does not include this service, maybe due to local authourity cutbacks, photos of walk on Flickr, search for popular tags 'carfreewalks' and look for the set 'Pentrefoelas'.
OS Grid SH854512
Turn left here up to Ysbyty Ifan, part of the National Trust estate.
About 1.84 km (~1.14 miles) from
OS Grid SH842488
The old mill building is now used by farmers' wives, who run a successful wedding planning business. The adjacent building is home to Popti Pen Ucha bakery, supplying outlets throughout North Wales. Head directly opposite uphill to waypoint 4.
About 2.62 km (~1.63 miles) from
OS Grid SH841496
A free-range egg farm, which also breeds chickens to supply other producers. Continue on to waypoint 5.
About 0.76 km (~0.47 miles) from
OS Grid SH849512
Turn right and carefully cross the road. Turn left onto a private drive and cross the bridge to waypoint 6.
About 1.81 km (~1.12 miles) from
OS Grid SH848514
Turn left to meet the tarmac road, then turn right uphill to waypoint 7.
About 0.26 km (~0.16 miles) from
OS Grid SH843516
Turn right and keep clear of the electrified fence. If you find a wire across the path, disconnect (called isolating) by holding plastic handle (usually blue). PLEASE re-connect when through ( country code, always shut gates etc.). Follow the path to waypoint 8.
About 0.48 km (~0.3 miles) from
OS Grid SH862525
Turn right and head downhill on tarmac road to the end of the walk, waypoint 9.
About 2.10 km (~1.3 miles) from
OS Grid SH874516
Hope you enjoyed it and saw sheep, chickens, geese, cattle, fantastic scenery. Siop Pentre (Village Shop) sells all the local products featured and just over the road is the Riverside Chocolate House and Tea Rooms for refreshment.
About 1.43 km (~0.89 miles) from

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