3.1 of 5 (45 votes)

A pier to pier walk in East Sussex

A hard walk (coast) in national park South Downs starting and finishing in Brighton and Hove, England, about 40.40km (25.10 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 13:00h (1 overnight stay). It is suitable for families with children, but unsuitable for prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 421m (1381ft)
Descent 426m (1397ft)
Max. Elevation 210m (688ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 847m (2778ft)
Distance 40.40km
Duration ~13:00h
Created by Anonymous Walker on 02 Oct 2012
This walk joins together some of the places I discovered during six years living in Brighton. A lot of the walk is along the South Downs Way, with a few diversions to good pubs along the way. Tailending the walk with the piers in Brighton and Eastbourne is symbolic as much as anything, but what finer way to enjoy a walk along some of England's finest seaside?

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid TQ313038
Start at Brighton Palace Pier and stock up on chips, candy floss and giant coloured lollies for your walk.
OS Grid TQ333033
First leg is a simple stroll along the beach. Follow the promenade to the marina.
About 2.02 km (~1.26 miles) from
OS Grid TQ339035
Just before the marina, head up into the town and cross the main road. Just by a crossroads, pick up the path to Ovingdean.
About 0.62 km (~0.39 miles) from
OS Grid TQ355036
Walk through Ovingdean to Rottingdean.
About 1.64 km (~1.02 miles) from
OS Grid TQ368028
At Rottingdean, leave the sea front and take the long path up into the South Downs.
About 1.51 km (~0.94 miles) from
OS Grid TQ377041
Follow the paths through the downs via Balsdean Farm.
About 1.63 km (~1.01 miles) from
OS Grid TQ412053
Join the South Downs Way at Mill Hill, near Rodmell. There's a good pub in the village if it's lunchtime.
About 3.69 km (~2.29 miles) from
OS Grid TQ430054
Cross the River Ouse and head past Southease Station.
About 1.85 km (~1.15 miles) from
OS Grid TQ455059
The route follows one of my favourite sections of the South Downs. Quiet but wonderfully scenic.
About 2.46 km (~1.53 miles) from
OS Grid TQ485058
Continue on past Firle Beacon.
About 3.01 km (~1.87 miles) from
OS Grid TQ516029
Day one ends in Alfriston, which has several B&Bs and a good campsite. Pubs in the village as well for dinner.
About 4.28 km (~2.66 miles) from
OS Grid TQ522016
Day two begins along the South Downs Way again, along the river to Litlington.
About 1.46 km (~0.91 miles) from
OS Grid TV520994
Pass the Seven Sisters Visitor Centre at Exceat. It's worth popping in to learn about the area.
About 2.14 km (~1.33 miles) from
OS Grid TV523974
Enjoy the serene waterways of the Seven Sisters Country Park.
About 2.07 km (~1.29 miles) from
OS Grid TV553960
If you are lucky enough to get good weather, drop down the steps to Birling Gap beach for a dip in the sea.
About 3.28 km (~2.04 miles) from
OS Grid TV588955
The end of the South Downs - Beachy Head. Enjoy the views of the chalk cliffs, then the final leg...
About 3.49 km (~2.17 miles) from
OS Grid TV600969
Past Holywell Gardens and then into town.
About 1.90 km (~1.18 miles) from
OS Grid TV618988
The last two kms along Eastbourne seafront are going to be a killer, but the prize awaits ... fish n chips on the beach, watching the waves crash and the seagulls swoop.
About 2.57 km (~1.6 miles) from

4 comments... join the discussion!

Peter Wyatt
21 Aug 2017
A Great Walk

We did this as a fundraiser. Great walk, but distance is more like 29 miles we found

Gary from the Car Free Walks team
07 Apr 2017
Which Way Round?

The suggestion is to start in Brighton as the prevailing wind tends to be from the South West (although it isn't always of course). A long day into a strong headwind up on the Downs can be hard work. We recommend keeping eye an on the weather forecast and plan your route accordingly or be flexible with the date. Enjoy the route!

02 Apr 2017
Help With This Route

I'm doing the walk from eastbourne to brighton in order to get beachy head out the way first dude to tell climbs that end , does it really make a difference which end you start? Planning on doing the walk in a day as it's for charity . Any help would be great

Ric Piper
26 Feb 2017
A Great Walk

Thursday & Friday 23/24 February 2017

A great walk !!

You might enjoy : http://ramblingwithric.blogspot.co.uk/2017/02/pier-to-pier.html

Please keep the walks coming.

Ric the Rambler

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