3.6 of 5 (7 votes)

Northwich and Anderton

A moderate walk (city/town) in Cheshire, England, about 10.60km (6.59 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 3:00h. It is unsuitable for families with children, prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 48m (157ft)
Descent 48m (157ft)
Max. Elevation 40m (131ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 96m (314ft)
Start & End
Distance 10.60km
Duration ~3:00h
1Created by driver 16 on 15 Nov 2012
A choice of 2 walks. Short walk: an urban walk, suitable for families with young children and wheelchairs, dominated by the railway viaduct and a short picturesque stretch along the River Dane. Long walk: this takes you out of town to explore its history, dominated by the salt and chemical industries, to see places of historical interest on way to Anderton Nature Park and the famous Boat Lift (www.andertonboatlift.co.uk), returning alongside the River Weaver. See photos on flickr.

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid SJ670738
Dates back to 1892, coming from Chester, impressive high level entrance on train, on railway viaduct, where you can see the areas explored on the SHORT WALK, exit station to left of Tesco petrol station to traffic lights at road bridge, straight across into Victoria Road, pass the Primary and Nursery School built in 1906 to railway bridge at end, waypoint 2.
OS Grid SJ665737
Turn left over bridge, turn first right into Manora road, follow round to Carlton Road, waypoint 3.
About 0.51 km (~0.32 miles) from
OS Grid SJ664735
Straight ahead, see Vickersway Park on left, attractions include aviary, chicken and rabbit enclosures, childrens' play area, crazy golf, putting green, bowls, tennis courts and skatepark, park open but cafe only open April-October, straight ahead on path between skatepark and railway viaduct to waypoint 4.
About 0.24 km (~0.15 miles) from
OS Grid SJ659733
Turn right, SHORT WALK follows the river on picturesqe path to find steel sculpture of three people, waypoint 16, a salt worker, Paula Radcliffe and Gary Barlow (see flickr) and where the LONG WALK joins it later, LONG WALK turn left over footbridge to pelican crossing, cross and turn left along London Road to find Workhouse Museum on right, well worth a visit (see flickr), after visit turn left back along London Road to waypoint 5.
About 0.44 km (~0.27 miles) from
OS Grid SJ659738
Turn left, pass old fire station, see brown historic road sign for Anderton Boat Lift, cross swing bridge (see flickr) by Northwich Marina on left side to waypoint 6.
About 0.55 km (~0.34 miles) from
OS Grid SJ655738
Turn left uphill, past Church, watch for plaque on left for site of old Roman Fort and Road (see flickr), to next brown road sign for Boat Lift, waypoint 7.
About 0.36 km (~0.22 miles) from
OS Grid SJ649733
Under railway bridge, turn right, stay on path on right of road, pass Moss Park Leisure Centre, pass Winnington Sports Club, pass Tata Europe's plant, cross old stone bridge with plaque commemorating the battle of Winnington Bridge in 1659, ahead is single lane, lights controlled swing bridge, cross to footpath on left of bridge to T junction, waypoint 8.
About 0.78 km (~0.48 miles) from
OS Grid SJ641750
Turn right uphill to see Old Road on right, waypoint 9.
About 1.89 km (~1.17 miles) from
OS Grid SJ645753
Turn right and pass pub down to Anderton Boat Lift, waypoint 10.
About 0.53 km (~0.33 miles) from
OS Grid SJ648753
Boat Lift built in 1875, upgraded in 1908 and restored to hydraulic operation in 2001, Operations Centre is split level, higher level cafe, desk for tickets for boat trip through the lift, retail etc., lower level new exhibition, cinematic centrepiece and lift control centre enabling visitors to get up close and personal with the lift on its busy daily schedule, time travel through this unique structure onboard the elegant Edwin Clark trip boat between the River Weaver and the Trent and Mersey Canal, after vsit turn right around back of centre into carpark, straight across to waypoint 11.
About 0.29 km (~0.18 miles) from
OS Grid SJ651752
Part of Northwich Community Woodlands, a fabulous area of countryside stretching from Northwich to Marbury Country Park, over 11 miles of surfaced routes enabling walkers, cyclists and horse riders to explore the area, take the path down, passing the Dragonfly Pool, to the path on the riverbank, turn left and follow to waypoint 12.
About 0.31 km (~0.19 miles) from
OS Grid SJ661753
Cross and turn right still keeping to lower path along riverbank to waypoint 13.
About 1.02 km (~0.63 miles) from
OS Grid SJ663746
Cross to road and turn right slightly uphill, straight across next road, downhill should see M and S store at start of pedestrianised shopping precinct on way into town, waypoint 14.
About 0.71 km (~0.44 miles) from
OS Grid SJ658740
Cross to waypoint 15, should see art sculpture of about 25 blue coloured balls on rods.
About 0.80 km (~0.5 miles) from
OS Grid SJ661739
Follow to steel sculpture of three people LONG WALK joins continuation of SHORT WALK here, waypoint 16.
About 0.25 km (~0.16 miles) from
OS Grid SJ661737
Take right fork away from river to Whalley Road, turn right foloow until road ends, straight on, school on left, where path turns sharp left before tunnel under railway go through gate into cemetery of St. Helens, Witton, also known as Northwich Parish Church, most historical building in town, founded in 14th. century, Grade 1 listed building is included in Clifton-Taylor's best English parish churches, its outstanding features are its Tudor roof and Victorian stained glass windows, on to waypoint 17.
About 0.20 km (~0.12 miles) from
OS Grid SJ663738
Should recognise railway bridge on right as waypoint 2 from earlier so should find way back to station alright, waypoint 18.
About 0.26 km (~0.16 miles) from
OS Grid SJ669739
End of walk/s, hope you saw all you wanted to and enjoyed.
About 0.54 km (~0.34 miles) from

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