Car Free Walks News

October 2012

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Our Autumn 2012 newsletter is now out

Here's our latest seasonal newsletter for Autumn 2012, including the latest car-free walking news, a polite request to vote for us in the TGO Awards, details of our latest prize draw, a club/group feature, and a reminder about some of the great discounts that we've arranged for our members.
August 2012

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Our Summer 2012 newsletter is now out

Here's our latest seasonal newsletter for Summer 2012, including the latest car-free walking news, details of our summer-themed quarterly prize draw, a club/group feature and a reminder about some of the great discounts that we've arranged for our members. As always, a massive thank you to Simon at the Ethical Design Company for the top-notch look.
May 2012

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Here is the latest seasonal newsletter for Spring 2012

Including our recent car-free walking adventures, details of our latest quarterly prize draw, and some exciting news about a recent award. As always, a big thank you to Simon at the Ethical Design Company for the great look. If you have some design requirements of your own and you value the same things as us, make sure you get in touch with him.