4.5 of 5 (5 votes)

Across the Arans in mid Wales

A moderate walk (mountain (above 600m)) in national park Snowdonia starting and finishing in Gwynedd, Wales, about 15.30km (9.51 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 6:30h. It is unsuitable for families with children, prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 675m (2214ft)
Descent 694m (2276ft)
Max. Elevation 870m (2854ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 1369m (4490ft)
Distance 15.30km
Duration ~6:30h
Car Free Walks TeamCreated by Timwoods on 27 Apr 2010
A traverse of the rocky peaks of Aran Benllyn and Aran Fawddwy make for a rewarding day walk in southern Snowdonia. They are popular, so don't quite qualify for 'hidden corner' status, but you are likely to have a quieter day than further north. Starting from Llanuwchllyn, it's a steady ascent to Aran Benllyn, then a steep climb up Aran Fawddwy before descending to Rhydymain. Both stops are on bus routes from Barmouth and Dolgellau, and these are good bases for further mid-Wales walks.

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid SH877296
Start at Llanuwchllyn, which has fairly regular buses. For a treat, you can also take the steam railway from Bala to Llanuwchllyn Station (www.bala-lake-railway.co.uk). From the village, take the footpath across the old railway line towards Garth Fawr.
OS Grid SH875285
A path leaves the bridleway and heads over Garth Fawr. Continue over Moel Ddu and keep climbing steadily. The main ridge of Aran Benllyn rises ahead.
About 1.12 km (~0.7 miles) from
OS Grid SH868243
The slope steepens as you reach the main ridge of Aran Benllyn. There are good views down to Llyn LLiwbran, and Aran Fawddwy lies just south.
About 4.35 km (~2.7 miles) from
OS Grid SH863224
Continue over the high ground to the summit of Aran Fawddwy, which is 905m - 9m higher and it would have a cafe on the top, no doubt.
About 1.96 km (~1.22 miles) from
OS Grid SH851205
The ground to the south of Aran Fawddwy is less rocky, but gets pretty boggy underfoot. Head over the flattish land of Waun Camddwr towards Glasgwm.
About 2.16 km (~1.34 miles) from
OS Grid SH840200
Just before the ground starts to rise again on Glasgwm's outer slopes, look for the path down to Rhydymain. There is a small tarn near a bend in the wall - that's your marker.
About 1.12 km (~0.7 miles) from
OS Grid SH815214
The path descends through Coed y Brenin, along the route of the Afon Cwm-ochr. Just beyond the forest is a small road; cross it and take the path into the village.
About 2.90 km (~1.8 miles) from
OS Grid SH805223
Finish at the village, where you can pick up the bus heading towards Dolgellau and Barmouth, or northwards towards Chester.
About 1.34 km (~0.83 miles) from

4 comments... join the discussion!

23 Feb 2015
GPX V Common Sense

Yes, but conditions change in the hills, and anyone heading out needs to be able to judge the conditions (and turn back as necessary) if they don't think its safe. Common sense is far more valuable in the hills than a GPX reading.

23 Feb 2015
Why Waypoints May Not Be Safe

A proper GPX track indicates that someone has trodden it and that it is safe. A small selection of waypoints could possibly send someone over unsafe ground. This would be a particular problem in poor visibility.

23 Feb 2015
GPX Files

Hello, why would it be dangerous exactly? All the walks on Car Free Walks are suggested routes. The waypoints indicate certain points of interest or navigation along the way, but people should, where possible, be free to explore as they choose rather than having to tread in the exact same footsteps as whoever submitted the route.

23 Feb 2015

You really should not supply GPX files which are not tracks but merely a small collection of waypoints. It is dangerous to do so. Only accept GPX files supplied by people who have done the route and recorded a GPX file en route.

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