3.2 of 5 (10 votes)

Boudicca Way

A hard walk (countryside) starting and finishing in Norfolk, England, about 40.20km (24.98 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 12:00h (1 overnight stay). It is unsuitable for families with children, prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 115m (377ft)
Descent 141m (462ft)
Max. Elevation 70m (229ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 256m (839ft)
Diss Railway Station
Distance 40.20km
Duration ~12:00h
Created by hole19 on 13 Dec 2010
Running through the beautiful Waveney Valley and South Norfolk Countryside between Diss and Norwich railway stations (London Liverpool mainline stations). This 36 mile walk retraces some of the route of the famous Iceni Queen Boudicca. It also stops off at the sites of a Roman Hill fort at Tasburgh and Roman town at Caistor St Edmunds. The walk can easily be completed in three days with B & B's and pubs located along the route. More information is available from www.boudiccaway.co.uk.

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid TM127796
Start the walk at Diss Station.
OS Grid TM129798
From the station, head along Sandy Lane to join the Boudicca Way.
About 0.32 km (~0.2 miles) from
OS Grid TM138807
On leaving Diss, the walk heads through the Norfolk countryside.
About 1.28 km (~0.8 miles) from
OS Grid TM155832
Continue past Dickleburgh to Shimpling, following the signs.
About 2.98 km (~1.85 miles) from
OS Grid TM170855
Just before you reach Tivetshall St Mary, the route passes the remains of a ruined Roman Villa.
About 2.79 km (~1.73 miles) from
OS Grid TM196861
This town makes a good stop for the end of day one.
About 2.60 km (~1.62 miles) from
OS Grid TM203880
Follow the signs as they continue weaving north through the Norfolk scenery.
About 2.07 km (~1.29 miles) from
OS Grid TM205899
A change of scene as you pass through Tyrrel's Wood.
About 1.90 km (~1.18 miles) from
OS Grid TM213925
Divert into Long Stratton if you need lunch, or keep heading north.
About 2.74 km (~1.7 miles) from
OS Grid TM206936
More great countryside on the way to Stratton St Michael.
About 1.25 km (~0.78 miles) from
OS Grid TM202959
Just outside Tasburgh is another point of historical interest, a hill fort, thought to date to the Bronze Age.
About 2.28 km (~1.42 miles) from
OS Grid TM229968
The Boudicca Way heads east beyond Tasburgh, towards Foxhole and Saxlingham Nethergate.
About 2.86 km (~1.78 miles) from
OS Grid TM256975
At Little Wood, the route heads northwards once more as the rest stop for day two approaches.
About 2.81 km (~1.75 miles) from
OS Grid TM246989
Shotesham is a good option for sleeping and eating on the second evening.
About 1.69 km (~1.05 miles) from
OS Grid TG252008
Day three is all about the final steps to Norwich. Head through the small patches of woodland near West Poringland.
About 1.98 km (~1.23 miles) from
OS Grid TG247027
Pass through the village of Upper Stoke.
About 1.94 km (~1.21 miles) from
OS Grid TG233033
It's well worth taking the side trip away from the main path to visit the Roman Town of Caistor. More info about the site can be found here: www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/leisure/1815.asp
About 1.56 km (~0.97 miles) from
OS Grid TG250033
Retrace your steps to the Boudicca Way, and you are nearly there.
About 1.67 km (~1.04 miles) from
OS Grid TG241052
You'll know your nearly there when you cross the city's Ring Road.
About 2.02 km (~1.26 miles) from
OS Grid TG237078
The walk continues right into the city centre, finishing at the station. If you are visiting from outside Norfolk, it is recommended adding a night on to enjoy Norwich, it's a great city.
About 2.71 km (~1.68 miles) from

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