A leisurely walk (woodland) in Highlands, Scotland, about 9.40km (5.84 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 3:30h. It is suitable for families with children, but unsuitable for prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
4Created by timmy on 13 Apr 2012
On the eastern side of Loch Ness are the Falls of Foyers, a local beauty spot that is a big attraction in the region. This route from Inverfarigaig leads you through the forest to the town of Foyers, from where it's a short walk. You could of course simply take the bus to Foyers, making it an even shorter walk, but that would be cheating. More about the falls here:
In the forest, you might see red squirrels. Much of the local tourist literature will also suggest you might see the Loch Ness monster, but that is of course rubbish as it doesn't exist.