3.5 of 5 (15 votes)

An arable amble in Suffolk

A leisurely walk (countryside) in Suffolk, England, about 7.70km (4.78 mi) long with an estimated walking time of about 2:15h. It is suitable for families with children, but unsuitable for prams & pushchairs, wheelchairs.
Elevation Profile
Ascent 22m (72ft)
Descent 23m (75ft)
Max. Elevation 80m (262ft)
Altitude Gain & Loss 45m (147ft)
Start & End
Distance 7.70km
Duration ~2:15h
Car Free Walks TeamCreated by Timwoods on 12 Jul 2011
Car Free Walks doesn't have a no-frills option, but this walk would surely tick it. Nothing flash, no real points of interest, just random paths around farmland typical of Suffolk. I only discovered it as my dad lives in Otley, but it's the perfect "breath of fresh air" just 20 minutes by bus from Ipswich.

Walk Functions


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Walk Map

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OS Grid TM202552
Start in Otley village. There is an excellent village shop opposite the bus stop if you need a little something for the walk.
OS Grid TM207557
Follow Chapel Road past the school on the left. Beyond this, take Hall Lane towards Otley Hall.
About 0.66 km (~0.41 miles) from
OS Grid TM204562
Before you reach the hall, take the path on the left-hand side across the fields. There is a moat marked on the maps; aim for this (although not actually much to see).
About 0.56 km (~0.35 miles) from
OS Grid TM202562
The walk tests your navigation skills in recognising field boundaries; interesting if you like that sort of thing (like I do). Note that some paths around here have been diverted; follow the signs rather than the map. Most paths are well maintained too, so easy to spot/follow.
About 0.20 km (~0.12 miles) from
OS Grid TM202575
A long stretch heading north takes you through arable fields marked out by hedgerows. You'll hear a lot of birdlife in the hedges; aren't they wonderful things. Near Bastings Hall, take the path heading west towards Helmingham.
About 1.34 km (~0.83 miles) from
OS Grid TM192575
Short stretch of road walking through Helmingham. Turn left at the junction by the church.
About 0.96 km (~0.6 miles) from
OS Grid TM188571
Just beyond Helmingham Park is a footpath; look for the stile hidden behind the bus stop.
About 0.55 km (~0.34 miles) from
OS Grid TM192569
Sadly you can't go through Round Wood; it's a nature reserve so leave those animals in peace. No paths marked, but there is a track around the northern edge, connecting the path on the southern side.
About 0.41 km (~0.25 miles) from
OS Grid TM192565
Beneath the woods, the footpath crosses more arable land towards Otley.
About 0.46 km (~0.29 miles) from
OS Grid TM196556
The footpath splits; take the left-hand path towards Otley.
About 0.95 km (~0.59 miles) from
OS Grid TM202557
A quick stop at the village pub if you're thirsty.
About 0.56 km (~0.35 miles) from
OS Grid TM204552
Back to Otley for the bus home.
About 0.59 km (~0.37 miles) from

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