Car Free Walks Blog

February 2013

Searching for Red Kites in the Chil

Penny Woods blogs for us about a walk near London

Birdwatching is all about the anticipation: the flash of colour low across a stream, cold fingers too slow to focus the binoculars in time. It’s about the frustration of meeting other birders and, through gritted teeth, congratulating them when the say, “Oh the lesser spotted / evasive / gold crested / silver toed / slim beaked kingfisher?
January 2013

A wet walk in Suffolk

Sometimes even the bad days can be good

It was all planned perfectly. A winter walk near Suffolk’s River Deben, with clear blue skies, a crisp frost underfoot and a pint in a country pub to finish. The perfect way to spend New Year’s Eve with the family. But as with most of the UK, the weather on the last day of 2012 was typical rather than traditional.
January 2013

Walking suggestions for 2013

What have you got planned for this year?

Looking for some inspiration for this year’s walking? Here are some suggestions for how to get the most out of 2013.  1) Explore a National Park - All of the UK’s National Parks have good public transport networks, so plan a week’s walking (or a long weekend) based around the local stops or stations.

Create your walk and win!

Each quarter we enter everyone who submits a car-free walk to our website into a prize draw to win some goodies.
