Car Free Walks Blog

January 2022

Devon's Coast to Coast Walk - Day 7

Withypool to Lynmouth on the Two Moors Way

In contrast to the darkness and drizzle the night before, the final day of our Two Moors Way challenge dawned bright and clear. Having eaten well, drank sensibly and slept early, we were surprisingly refreshed and ready for the final push. The plan had been to set off earlyish to make sure we had time to cover the miles and connect with the bus out
December 2021

Devon's Coast to Coast Walk - Day 6

Witheridge to Withypool and the River Barle

It feels like a slightly different world than when I first came up with a plan to do the Two Moors Way (TMW). The seed had been sown in the excitement of relocating to Devon and a shift in lifestyle that allowed a bit more time for adventures and a little less of the '9 to 5'.
October 2021

Devon's Coast to Coast Walk - Day 5

Drewsteignton to Witheridge - 22 miles in the rain

Have you ever had one of those days on the hills, that when you think about the constituent parts it wasn't that special. But somehow the bits altogeter - the sum of those parts - made it great? This was one of those days. Take the weather for a start. It rained, it stopped a bit, it rained some more. Quite a lot at times.

Create your walk and win!

Each quarter we enter everyone who submits a car-free walk to our website into a prize draw to win some goodies.
